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Four steps to managing your inventory, clients and supply chains.

Manufacturers, Retailers through to Consumers are all reliant on Logistic Chains and Inventory Management. All parties are experiencing the same challenges and knowing the status and location of inventory while in transit. The following four steps is how you can leverage Trade Centre’s ICRM (Inventory Customer Relationship Management) cloud services. 

ICRM provides all businesses the competitive edge and knowing where things are at all times, enabling to redirect shipments through to dispatching products upon sales.

  1. Using ICRM for your tracking and Inventory Management in real time.

Helping you improve margins and sales, the cloud-based ICRM provides you an unlimited library of all your products, documentation, and warranties. This service alone our team at Trade Centre to work on your behalf and provide product and customer support at the click of a button. As ICRM is a per-user based subscription, you have the ability to quickly setup and configure your business and set the roles you need for different users.

  1. Tracking of inventory and stock levels.

To get the most out of your supply chain management, from the time it leaves the manufacturers warehouse to the point of purchase destination and/or purchasers warehouse. Retailers and/or traders should take advantage and leverage of common source tagging solutions. Deliver through API methods, source tagging allows Trade Centre to receive live updates as it passes through different courier and logistic networks until it reaches its destination. Warehouses supporting your inventory are also supported by live tagging services which allows you to know your stock levels as well as its location, through to the purchase of destination.

  1. Registering your business with ICRM (procurement network).

Registering your business, its users and  the roles that they require is an important part that will allow your business to know the entire supply chain. All that is required is the number of users, the rolls that they inherit, (for example: admin, sales, marketing through to distribution). The full inventory list can be provided via a CSV. file or manually uploaded by one of your users. Once this is complete, we then configure and apply the automation, quote templates and configure your library to suit your business needs and future.

  1. Making sure your marketing, supply chain and users are in sync.

A Lot of companies overlook the alignment of these parties not being in sync, meaning lack of communication, leading to loss of sales and opportunities. The ICRM cloud allows all parties to be in sync and also enables Trade Centre and yourself to receive live updates, status reports and communication between all parties.